SoulFire Circles are eclectic new WErld ceremonial circles that can show us how to play and work together, to gather and express gratitude through the collaborative arts of drumming, dancing, singing, speaking and listening. Whether staying up to greet the dawn, or gathering for a few hours, SoulFire Circles are co-creating places where we can take the time to express our authentic soul-ar and lunar natures as creative beings.
SoulFire Circles acknowledge the unseen allies of the universe. We each play a role in this collaborative and interactive art form. As instigators, we bring our music and movement, as guardians of the groove, we bring our instruments and skill, as new comers we greet each other and weave ourselves into the mix of these expressions of harmony itself. We bring our willingness to show up and respond, and we come to the center, while keeping chatter and conversation outside of the active ceremony space.
Do you know you are pART of a Living Prophecy to help renew the spirit of life? Does collaboration, drumming, harmony, singing, ceremony, dancing, and asking the archetypal energies of the universe to seed our personal and collective consciousness with the blessings of renewal; does this WErk for you?
SoulFire Circles are a call to explore drumming as an eclectic and ceremonial solution; and we do this with and for all people, our relatives and our beloved planet. Mostly tho, we do it for the children. Instigated by Mz. imani, these circles are an invitation to engage with the rhythm of the drum that moves our feet and makes room for our voices.
Here we practice Elemental Alchemy as a form of collaboration and Art in Action. With a simple purpose, we play to embody the energy that is helpful when tending to the soul of a planet and a people in crisis. We connect to our heART’s wisdom to express harmony, simply to saturate our personal and collective SoulFire with the Free-quency of blesSINGs and abunDANCE. For the Highest Good of All.
SoulFire offers a space for a myriad of shamanic perspectives and patterns to be compassionately held within the arms of our comm(on)unity. The rhythm, music, dance and play we share imparts a “crazy wisdom” to all who show up. It is a wisdom we do our best to be guardians of, to share and to learn from. It is a wisdom that guides our collective gatherings. We open our circles with gratitude. We ground ourselves with a little more gratitude as we breathe in deeply that which our soul needs. when our circle closes, we bless ourselves, our time together while we offer the abundant sweet energy we have co-created to the light body, or the Bio-Spheric Web, of our Mother Earth.
SoulFire Circles provide the opportunity for people to gather and celebrate life, with percussion, gratitude, art, movement and music. We are eARTh centered people, of many nations and cultures, some of privilege, we are non-traditional, and we openly share this. We recognize that we have been given a gift with the sacred all night fire circle, and it is our hope that all people, everywhere, can tap into something like it. Our gatherings and trainings provide experiences to actively play music, dance and encourage the heART of Humanity to wake up to the spirit of harmony and collaboration.
Most people can agree that humanity is at a crossroads and that renewal is the call of the day. We live in a potent time, a time when many of the prophecies of indigenous people speak of. Each in its own way, these prophecies remind us that this is a time to look around and see who we are, and who we are with, in this river of life. Encouragement is offered to push off from the shore and trust the flow of life, to follow your heART and to be one heARTed. Many say that this is the time for the Divine Feminine to lead, and that the Divine Feminine lives with male and female and that we each play a role in bringing a new way. Some remind us to define who we are and to know our purpose, to listen to the call of the Wild. The voice of the Creator/Creatress that speaks in our dreams on how to ease the destruction that humanity has done to the earth. Many of us are looking for a way to become a part of a Living Prophecy.
SoulFire Circles is an opportunity for you to gather with PLU’s (People Like Us) at a ceremonial fire circle, making celebratory music that is dedicated to Helping the HeART of Humanity Heal, One Fire at a Time. Whatever you do, and whomever you resonate with, please keep looking till you find your deep connections, and Thank You for helping to bring more light to the WErld.
Peace Matters,
Mz. imani
Here we give ourselves and each other permission to invite the archetypal forces to speak to our hearts, and inspire our dance. We encourage each other to listen to one another, and to drum, dance, pray and play our way to experience a lightness of being.